The Courage to Be Imperfect

An important part of Positive Discipline involves looking at mistakes as opportunities for learning. This is something I’ve personally struggled with because making mistakes can be triggering. I feel anxious and embarrassed and I just want to hide. I grew up subconsciously thinking that if I could just avoid trying anything too difficult, I could also avoid the feeling of embarrassment from not being able to do it. So if I couldn’t do it perfectly (or fairly close) right away, I just couldn’t do it.

Obviously that hasn’t worked out very well for me! Even getting to the point where I could take what I’ve learned and share with others on this larger scale has taken years of convincing myself, when others would’ve just started right away. I’ve had to take a step back and think about what that behaviour is teaching my children, though. If I won’t even try because I’m afraid it won’t work out, what are they learning? One very clear example of that sticks out in my mind. I was thankful I had just read a post about this topic a few weeks before it happened. [Read more…]

How I Mastered Discipline and Now Have Perfectly Well-Behaved Children

(April 2012)

I did it!

I finally read every book and blog on positive discipline that exists, assembled a perfectly organized notebook full of the key points, planned for every scenario imaginable, and put it all into practice! The first week was a little tricky, but by the next we were all set. I’m proud to report both my 3year old and 10month old daughters are now perfectly well-behaved and never act out AT ALL! I’m sure it’ll be smooth-sailing from here on out. [Read more…]

Taking the First Step

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” -Lao Tzu

Six years ago this December I had a newborn and a 2.5 year old, and I was exhausted- physically and mentally. Having a newborn was hard enough, but it was the daily battles with my oldest that were especially draining. I tried to be patient but we were both so stubborn! None of the things I tried were working and it felt like this was just our life now- a few nice moments constantly being clouded by all of the power struggles. [Read more…]