
Shifting the way we look at parenting and childhood


Sometimes trying to manage all of our child's behaviours can be so overwhelming.

We find something that "works", but now we're disconnected.
We find something that connects us, but now they're acting spoiled..

Parenting is hard (so hard!) but there are ways we can make it easier.
And we *can* have both connection and discipline- at the same time.

I help parents find this balance by shifting their focus from quick fixes aimed at managing their child's behaviour to long-term solutions that meet their underlying needs.

From power struggles to powerful connections

How to Start Responding to Your Child Instead of Reacting

I love that quote from L.R.Knost. Learning how to use this moment has made a huge difference in our lives. But we still fall back into old habits sometimes. None of us is perfect so we keep practicing, trying again, and making amends when we mess up.

If you’re just starting out, or keep getting stuck, I’ve put together a few suggestions that may help and a worksheet you can use to work through them.

I Don’t Punish My Children. This is What I Do Instead.

It’s true- I don’t punish my children. But I usually don’t share that with others right away, because then they react with a pretty big dose of scepticism, and mild to moderate concern. Probably a bit like you’re doing now? I get it though. Everyone punishes their kids. If I don’t punish mine, what do I do?

What Happened When I Waited Out My Child’s Storm

My oldest was having some extra big feelings today over a disappointment at school, and all I wanted to do was make it stop, and say “OMG seriously”. But I’d just put this graphic together yesterday of a quote I liked so it was fresh in my mind, and I took a deep breath and chose to wait and connect instead..