
We all need help sometimes. I’ve been using and teaching most of these strategies for over 11 years, but I still have friends and mentors I reach out to when I hit a difficult stage. It’s not always enough just to read about it. Sometimes we need to talk with someone else to help us process everything and refocus. If you have any questions about the information I share and how you might apply it, please feel free to contact me.


If you’d prefer more intensive support, I offer individual parent coaching on a one-time or longer-term basis. This is often helpful for areas that are an extra struggle, where there’s no simple answer. You know your family best. My role is to listen, help you explore potential causes for your concerns, and guide you toward finding and reaching your own solutions. You can click here to request a free introductory call to see if this would be right for you.

If you’re interested in any of these options or just have questions about what they would look like, please contact me at the links above.